Welcome to CROCO-Sud


CROCO-Sud is a GdRI (International Consortium) that is part of the GdR CROCO (https://www.croco-ocean.org/).

The Coastal and Regional Ocean Community (CROCO) model is a modelling platform for the regional and coastal ocean using realistic or idealized multiscale approaches.

CROCO has already made major contributions to a better understanding of the physical and biogeochemical functioning of many southern coastal areas, most notably, in Southern Africa, the upwelling systems of South Africa, the Mozambique Channel, the Agulhas Current, the East Madagascar Current and the Seychelles Chagos Thermocline Ridge. CROCO was also instrumental in demonstrating the importance of mesoscale air-sea interactions on ocean dynamics and ecosystems. CROCO also took a big step towards littoral oceanography, thus opening the way to truly coastal applications, where understanding and predictability of sediment and contaminant transports are critical to many coastal populations.


This network will allow formalizing and strengthen the links between the French CROCO community and partners from the global South by formally integrating the latter in the community and by organizing workshops and training sessions, with an approach for structuring North-South and South-South collaborations. This will increase CROCO’s outreach, addressing issues relevant to sustainable science.

Structuring, training and support to new users, especially from the global south, has always been an important ambition for ROMS, as it is for CROCO. This IRD-supported project will carry this ambition further and fully integrate partners for the global south into the CROCO community (from both development and application poin of views).

Main Funding

French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD)

Scientific coordination:

Lionel Renault, IRD, Laboratoire d’Etudes en Géophysique et Océanographie Spatiales (LEGOS).

Patrick Marchesiello, IRD, Laboratoire d’Etudes en Géophysique et Océanographie Spatiales (LEGOS).

Additional Funding

The project CROCO has been granted additional funding:

By the Fondecyt Regular 1211230 from ANID (Chile) awarded to Dr. Andrés Sepúlveda.

By the National Research Foundation (NRF) for 2022-2024, covering South Africa specifically, and by extension Southern Africa. PI: Dr. Jennifer Veitch, South African Environmental Observation Network (SAEON), Dr. L. Renault (IRD)

Download CROCO !

You’ll find the CROCO model and the CROCOtools on the official CROCO website:


And check out the CROCO Forum !
