Funded Project in 2021

Through the call for tender in 2021, 5 small projects have been funded by the GdRI-Sud CROCO:

First CROCO Virtual Summer School in Chile:

PI: A. Sepulveda

The first CROCO Virtual Summer School has been organized in Chile by the Universidad de Concepcion (A. Sepulveda) and LEGOS/IRD (L. Renault).


CYCLOPS (The Durban cyclone and its role on secondary production).

PI: Gustav Rautenbach (Nelson Mandela University)

Due to limited numerical modelling expertise in South Africa, in this application Gustav Rautenbach obtained a funding to spend a few months in Brest with Steven Herbette and Gildas Cambon in order to develop his numerical modelling skills. Specifically though, this time in France will be used to develop the high resolution numerical model simulations in CROCO that will be used for the analysis of the Durban Eddy. You can find a short report below.

Workshop to Orient Undergraduate Students to the Coastal and Regional Ocean Community (CROCO) model

PI: M.C. Manyilizu

The objectives of the workshop are:

  1. To provide participants an understanding of the ocean models, the Coastal and Regional Ocean Community model (CROCO) as well as data computational language
  2. To enable graduate students at the University of Dodoma to analyses and interpret their research results.
  3. To provide participants an understanding to interact with different scientists in ocean science in the country
  4. To provide awareness and overview of the Coastal and Regional Ocean Community model (CROCO)
  5. To enhance collaboration among people work the ocean science in Tanzania.

Special thanks to Dr. Issufo for his online intervention !

See Report here:

Where and how the East Madagascar Current retroflection originates?

PI: J. Ramanantsoa

J. Ramanantsoa obtained a funding to partly fund the publication of this paper.

CROCO for sediment dynamics along the coastal Mekong Delta.


Hai Yen is a lecturer at Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HCMUT), Vietnam. She obtained a funding to visit LEGOS for a month. The objective was to set up a new CROCO configuration for the Mekong Delta. Unfortunaly, this mission has been cancelled du to the pandemia.